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miscellaneous Kim Powell miscellaneous Kim Powell

From Naïve Novice to CEPA Master: A Journey of Value Acceleration

This is Sean Hutchinson’s personal chronicles the journey of receiving the CEPA designation in 2008, highlighting the challenges and triumphs faced by early adopters in the field of exit planning. Despite initial excitement, the concept of the "exit plan" faced resistance from business owners, prompting the development of innovative strategies like the Value Acceleration Methodology. Through perseverance and collaboration, the CEPA community has grown to 5000 members, marking a significant milestone in the evolution of this specialized profession.

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miscellaneous Kim Powell miscellaneous Kim Powell

how will you navigate the year ahead?

Whether you’re a diehard fan of new year’s resolutions or you’d prefer to ditch the resolutions in favor of something less rigid, there is something to be said about the power of strategic planning, specifically the act of setting goals, at the beginning of a new year. Much like wayfinding, goals are the signposts helping us navigate through uncharted or difficult territory. They’re how we can step back and take stock of our progress and determine what remains to be done.

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miscellaneous Kim Powell miscellaneous Kim Powell

what makes you interesting?

It feels so good when you have a great conversation. But what makes it great? Is it the person, topic, location or some other key feature?

In her book You’re Not Listening: What You’re Missing and Why it Matters, Kate Murphy argues conversations are best for all parties when each person feels truly heard. This requires truly listening. Learn more.

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miscellaneous Kim Powell miscellaneous Kim Powell

design your life by unlocking leadership mindtraps

For those interested in excelling in complex environments, RFN team member John Lazar recommends Jennifer Garvey Berger’s book, Unlocking Leadership Mindtraps – How to Thrive in Complexity.

At Ready for Next we often discuss VUCA - volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. This book challenges us to consider mind traps and how our instincts may be outdated and lead us right into one.

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miscellaneous Kim Powell miscellaneous Kim Powell


A pit crew demonstrates teamwork in a unique and very visual way. Ranging from a handful to a couple dozen people with a single purpose. It brings together multiple people with specialized skills and one shared goal.

Learn how your team can achieve similar purpose.

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