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exploring and pivoting Kim Powell exploring and pivoting Kim Powell

Is your business increasing your risk of heart disease?

Experts emphasize the importance of living a β€œheart-heathy” lifestyle – regular exercise, good diet and stress-management practices – to reduce our risk of heart disease. The same basic idea applies to a business. One of the three ways to increase the value or β€œhealth” of a company is to reduce risk. This just so happens to come with the added benefit of reducing business owner stress in the long run.

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miscellaneous Kim Powell miscellaneous Kim Powell

how will you navigate the year ahead?

Whether you’re a diehard fan of new year’s resolutions or you’d prefer to ditch the resolutions in favor of something less rigid, there is something to be said about the power of strategic planning, specifically the act of setting goals, at the beginning of a new year. Much like wayfinding, goals are the signposts helping us navigate through uncharted or difficult territory. They’re how we can step back and take stock of our progress and determine what remains to be done.

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exploring and pivoting Kim Powell exploring and pivoting Kim Powell

poised for exit

Ready for Next contributor, Julie Keyes, CEPA, has published the second edition of Poised for Exit - A Woman Entrepreneur’s Guide to Business Transition. The materials and resources have been updated to help owners even more.

Learn more about Poised for Exit with this article.

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exploring pivoting triggering Kim Powell exploring pivoting triggering Kim Powell

the importance of a team approach in business transtion planning

Pick any team sport and there are specific skills needed to be victorious and have positive outcomes. The same is true for any large endeavor.
Transitioning from business ownership is likely one of the largest decisions and processes you will undertake. It is important to have a team around you advocating and supporting you through the experience.

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